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Living in Corona New York

Corona is the 61st most walkable neighborhood in New York with 109,607 residents.

Corona has excellent public transportation and is very bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: East Elmhurst, Rego Park, Elmhurst, Jackson Heights, Forest Hills, Middle Village and College Point.

Nearby Corona Apartments on Redfin

94 Walk Score of Corona, New York, NY

Corona is a Walker’s Paradise

Daily errands do not require a car.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Corona Queens Fire Station in Corona, New York

Corona Queens Fire Station

Photo of Saint Leo Church in Corona, New York

Saint Leo Church

Daily errands do not require a car in Corona New York.

Corona is the 61st most walkable neighborhood in New York with a Walk Score of 94.

Find apartments in New York's most walkable neighborhoods: Little Italy, NoLita and Bowery.

Corona New York Apartments for Rent

Corona Neighborhood Ranking

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Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


59 Brighton Beach 95 86 66 30,166
60 Longwood 94 100 76 20,337
61 Corona 94 88 77 109,607
62 Rego Park 94 98 66 60,946
63 Concourse 94 100 69 54,406

Moving to New York from another city?

thumbnail for Corona Queens Fire StationThis old firehouse is a landmark for the town of Corona. A beat up old station, this fire department is known for being one of the first responders to the 9/11 World Trade Center Attacks. #CoronaQueens

Kathleen Patricia Odenthal
on Corona Queens Fire Station

88 Transit Score of Corona, New York, NY

Corona has Excellent Transit

Transit is convenient for most trips. Find Corona New York apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Corona has excellent public transportation and about 7 bus and 1 subway lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Corona on public transit.

77 Bike Score of Corona, New York, NY

Corona is Very Bikeable

Biking is convenient for most trips.


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Photo of Iglesia Bautista Canaan in Corona, New York

Iglesia Bautista Canaan

Photo of Corona Mac Park in Corona, New York

Corona Mac Park

Photo of St. Leo's Church in Corona in Corona, New York

St. Leo's Church in Corona

Photo of Jehovah's Witnesses in Corona, New York

Jehovah's Witnesses

Photo of Flag Mural in Corona in Corona, New York

Flag Mural in Corona

Photo of Masjid Nur Allah in Corona, New York

Masjid Nur Allah

thumbnail for Saint Leo ChurchSt. Leo's Church in #CoronaQueens is a beautiful old church right off Corona Avenue. An old Catholic parish rich in history, this church is popular amongst parishioners in the community.

Kathleen Patricia Odenthal
on Saint Leo Church

thumbnail for Iglesia Bautista CanaanThe Iglesia Bautista Canaan is a historical church in #CoronaQueens. Not only is it one of the more popular Catholic churches in Corona, but it is also connected with a popular Catholic school for kids in preschool through 8th grade.

Kathleen Patricia Odenthal
on Iglesia Bautista Canaan

Photo of Flushing Meadows Corona Park in Corona, New York

Flushing Meadows Corona Park

Photo of Louis Armstrong House Museum in Corona, New York

Louis Armstrong House Museum

Photo of Corona Queens Station in Corona, New York

Corona Queens Station

thumbnail for Corona Mac ParkLocated on Lewis Avenue in Queens is a quaint little park called the Corona Mac Park. Found in the #Corona district of Queens, this park is only a few blocks away from the LIE.

Kathleen Patricia Odenthal
on Corona Mac Park

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