Walk Score data is used by leading researchers in the fields of urban planning, real estate, and public health.
The following selected research uses Walk Score data or is related to walkability and real estate.
See also: Public Health Research on Walk Score.
Research Using Walk Score Data
- Pivo, Gary, and Xudong, An. 2016. Sustainable Development and Commercial Real Estate Financing: Evidence from CMBS Loans.
- Christopher B. Leinberger. 2015. Why American Companies are Moving Downtown. The George Washington University School of Business.
- John I Gilderbloom, William W. Riggs, and Wesley L. Meares. 2015. Does walkability matter? An examination of walkability’s impact on housing values, foreclosures and crime. Cities, Volume 42, Part A.
- Christopher B. Leinberger. 2015. The WalkUP Wake-Up Call: Michigan Metros. The George Washington University School of Business.
- Christopher B. Leinberger. 2015. The WalkUP Wake-Up Call: Boston. The George Washington University School of Business.
- Ethan N. Elkind, Michelle Chan, Tuong-Vi Faber. 2015. Grading California’s Rail Transit Station Areas. Center for Law, Energy and Environment, University of California, Berkeley.
- Pivo, Gary, and Xudong, An. 2015. Default Risk of Securitzed Commercial Mortgages: Do Sustainability Property Features Matter?
- Christopher B. Leinberger. 2014. Foot Traffic Ahead. The George Washington University School of Business.
- Christopher B. Leinberger. 2013. The WalkUP Wake-Up Call: Atlanta. The George Washington University School of Business.
- Becker, Sofia, Scott Bernstein, Linda Young. 2013. The New Real Estate Mantra: Location Near Public Transportation. The Center For Neighborhood Technology.
- Leinberger, Christopher B. 2012. DC: The Walk UP Wake-Up Call, The George Washington University School of Business The George Washington University School of Business.
- Murray, Daniel. 2011. Active Transportation Networks and Obesity Rates. University of Colorado, Denver.
- Duncan, Dustin T., Jared Aldstadt, John Whalen, Steven J. Melly, and Steve L. Gortmaker. 2011. Validation of Walk Score® for Estimating Neighborhood Walkability: An Analysis of Four US Metropolitan Areas International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 8, No. 11.
- Rauterkus, Stephanie Y., Grant I. Thrall, and Eric Hangen, 2010. Location Efficiency and Mortgage Default Journal of Sustainable Real Estate (JOSRE), Volume 2, No. 1.
- El-Geneidy, Ahmed M., Manaugh, Kevin. 2010. Validating walkability indices: How do different households respond to the walkability of their neighbourhood? Transportation Research Board 90th Annual Meeting.
- Rogers, Shannon H., John M. Halstead, Kevin H. Gardner and Cynthia H. Carlson. 2010. Examining Walkability and Social Capital as Indicators of Quality of Life at the Municipal and Neighborhood Scales. Applied Research Quality Life.
- Schuchter, Joseph, John Besl, and Lisa Simpson. 2010. Vision 2015: Child Health in Northern Kentucky. Child Policy Research Center.
- Pivo, Gary, and Jeffrey D. Fisher. 2010. The Walkability Premium in Commerical Real Estate Investments.
- Carr, Lucas J., Shira I. Dunsiger, and Bess H. Marcus. 2010. Validation of Walkscore for Estimating Access to Urban Amenities. British Journal of Sports Medicine.
- Jones, Lindsey Irene. 2010. Investigating Neighborhood Walkability and its Association with Physical Activity Levels and Body Composition of a Sample of Maryland Adolescent Girls, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of Maryland, College Park.
- Manaugh, Kevin, and Ahmed M El-Geneidy. 2010. Examining the response of varying households to the walkability of their neighborhoods for non-work trip purposes. In 51st ACSP Conference.
- Armstrong, Price, and Jessica Greene. 2009. Sustainability Focused Data Analysis: To what extent do walkability, crime and neighborhood predict housing prices? Sustainable Cities Initiative, University of Oregon.
- Brewster, Mark, David Hurtado, Sara Olson, and Jessica Yen. 2009. Walkscore.com: A New Methodology to Explore Associations between Neighborhood Resources, Race and Health. Department of Society, Human Development, and Health, Harvard School of Public Health.
- Cortright, Joe. 2009. Walking the Walk: How Walkability Raises Home Values in U.S. Cities. CEOs for Cities.
- Paull, Evans. 2009. The Environmental and Energy Conservation Benefits of the Maryland Historic Tax Credit Program. Northeast-Midwest Institute.
- Richardson, Katherine E. 2009. What Lures and Retains the International Creative-Class Family?: A Case Study of the Family Unit Found in Vancouver’s Biotechnology Sector. Comparative Technology Transfer and Society 7
Related Research
- Aurbach, Laurence. 2005. TND Design Rating Standards Version 2.2.
- Berrigan, David, Linda W. Pickle, and Jennifer Dill. 2010. Associations between street connectivity and active transportation. International Journal of Health Geographics 9 (20).
- Cerin, Ester, Eva Leslie, Lorinne du Toit, Neville Owen, and Lawrence D. Frank. 2007. Destinations that matter: Associations with walking for transport. Health and Place 13:713-724.
- Destination 2030 Update. 2007. Seattle: Puget Sound Regional Council.
- Dill, Jennifer. 2003. Measuring Network Connectivity for Bicycling and Walking. Paper read at Joint Congress of ACSP-AESOP, at Leuven, Belgium.
- Dodd, Tracey. 2007. The Role of Broadband in the Quest for Environmental Sustainability. Telecommunications Journal of Australia 57 (2/3).
- El-Geneidy, Ahmed M., and David M. Levinson. 2006. Access to Destinations: Development of Accessibility Measures. Department of Civil Engineering University of Minnesota.
- Ewing, Reid. 1996. Best Development Practices: Doing the Right Thing and Making Money at the Same Time. Chicago, IL: American Planning Association.
- Ewing, Reid, and Robert Cervero. 2010. Travel and Built Environment: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of the American Planning Association 76 (3):265-294.
- Frank, Lawrence, and Sarah Kavage. 2009. A National Plan for Physical Activity: The Enabling Role of the Built Environment. Journal of Physical Activity 6 (Suppl. 2):186-195.
- Handy, Susan, K. Butler, and R.G. Paterson. 2003. Planning for Street Connectivity – Getting from Here to There. Chicago: American Planning Association.
- Hilliard, Lauren Michele. 2010. Rethinking California’s Planning Frameworks to Support SB 375: A White Paper on Local, Regional, State and Federal Climate Change Policy Reform, Transportation Technology and Policy, University of California, Davis.
- Iacono, Michael, Kevin J. Krizek, and Ahmed M. El-Geneidy. 2010. Measuring Non-motorized Accessibility: Issues, Alternatives, and Execution. Journal of Transport Geography, 18 133-140.
- Kockelman, Kara Maria. 1996. Travel Behavior as a Function of Accessibility, Land Use Mixing, and Land Use Balance, City and Regional Planning, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley.
- Kumar, Rekha. 2009. Walkability of Neighborhoods: A Critical Analysis of Zoning Codes, Community Planning, University of Cincinnati.
- Lee, Chanam, and Anne Vernez Moudon. 2004. Physical Activity and Environment Research in the Health Field: Implication for Urban and Transportation Planning Practice and Research. Journal of Planning Literature 19 (2):147-181.
- Lee, Chanam, and Anne Vernez Moudon. 2006. The 3Ds + R: Quantifying land use and urban form correlates of walking. Transportation Research Part D 11:204-215.
- Lee, Chanam, and Anne Vernez Moudon. 2008. Neighbourhood design and physical activity. Building Research and Information 36 (5):395-411.
- Leslie, Eva, Neil Coffee, Lawrence D. Frank, Neville Owen, Adrian Bauman, and Graeme Hugo. 2007. Walkability of local communities: Using geographic information systems to objectively assess relevant environmental attributes. Health and Place 13:111-122.
- Litman, Todd. 2009. Sustainable Transportation Indicator Data Quality and Availability. Victoria Policy Institute.
- Litman, Todd. 2010. Quantifying the Benefits of Nonmotorized Transportation for Achieving Mobility Management Objectives. Victoria Transport Policy Institute.
- Liu, Jenny H. and Renfro, Jeff. 2014. Oregon Property Tax Capitalization: Evidence from Portland. Northwest Economic Research Center Report.
- Matthews, Shirley Jane. 2008. A Search for Creative Class Trail User Experience Along the Katy Trail, Landscape Architecture, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington.
- Moudon, Anne Vernez, Chanam Lee, Allen D. Cheadle, Cheza Garvin, Donna Johnson, Thomas L. Schmid, Robert D. Weathers, and Lin Lin. 2006. Operational Definitions of Walkable Neighborhood: Theoretical and Empirical Insights. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 3 (Suppl 1):S99-S117.
- Piekarski, C. 2009. Methodology: Grid Version 5-6. Portland: City of Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability.
- Pivo, Gary. 2009. Social and environmental metrics for US real estate portfolios: Sources of data and aggregation methods. Journal of Property Investment & Finance 27 (5):481-510.
- Downtowns And Walkable Neighborhoods. America's New Housing Paradigm. An Emergence of the "Boutique City" in the 21st Century 2011. Renaissance Downtowns LLC.
- Saelens, Brian E., James F. Sallis, and Lawrence D. Frank. 2003. Environmental Correlates of Walking and Cycling: Findings From the Transportation, Urban Design, and Planning Literatures. Annals of Behavioral Medicine 25 (2):80-91.
- Secondary Street Acceptance Requirements. 2009. edited by V. D. o. Transportation.
- Song, Dong Wook, Anne Vernez Moudon, and Jeasun Lee. 2012. The Economic Value of Walkable Neighborhoods. Urban Design International, 17 115-128.
- Taitian, Peter A., G. Thomas Kingsley, Margery Austin Turner, Jennifer Comey, and Randy Rosso. 2008. State of Washington, D.C.'s Neighborhoods. Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute.
- Turner, Shawn, Gordon Shunk, and Aaron Hottenstein. 1998. Development of a Methodology to Estimate Bicycle and Pedestrian Travel Demand. College Station: Texas Transportation Institute.
- Venner, Mary. 2010. Environmental Corridor Management NCHRP 25-25/63. Venner Consulting for the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.
- Transit Supportive Development. (No date given.) Mid-America Regional Council.
- Transit Supportive Land Use Planning Guide. 1992. Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.