This page shows which neighborhoods in Albuquerque are similar to other neighborhoods in Albuquerque.
Albuquerque's Walk Score is 43.
Albuquerque has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Albuquerque has a Transit Score of 29. Albuquerque's Bike Score is 61.
Here are neighborhoods in Albuquerque, New Mexico and other neighborhoods that are similar to them.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Academy Estates East is similar to Glenwood Hills, Sun North Estates and Taylor Ranch in Albuquerque.
Academy Hills Park is similar to Heritage Hills, Crestview Bluff and Rancho Sereno in Albuquerque.
Aztec is similar to Quail Ridge, Richland Hills and Southeast Heights in Albuquerque.
Cottonwood Corners is similar to Cottonwood Mall in Albuquerque.
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Cottonwood Mall is similar to University West and Cottonwood Corners in Albuquerque.
Double Eagle is similar to Volcano Ranch Park in Albuquerque.
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Highlands North is similar to Paradise Heights, Alban Hills and Thomas Village in Albuquerque.
La Luz is similar to Altura Park, Academy North and Piedras Marcadas in Albuquerque.
Paradise Terrace is similar to Vista Magnifica, South Guadalupe Trail and Alban Hills in Albuquerque.
Seven Bar North is similar to Heritage East, Quail Springs and Onate in Albuquerque.
Seven Bar Ranch is similar to Netherwood Park, Sandia Ridge and Winrock South in Albuquerque.
Seville is similar to Tanoan East, Quintessence and Vista Del Norte Alliance in Albuquerque.
Stonebridge Pointe is similar to Skies West, Ventana Ranch and Westgate Vecinos in Albuquerque.
Trails at Seven Bar Ranch is similar to North Domingo Baca, Oso Grande and La Luz Del Sol in Albuquerque.
Volcano Ranch Park is similar to Double Eagle in Albuquerque.
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