This page shows which neighborhoods in Albuquerque are similar to neighborhoods in Dallas.
Rents in Albuquerque average $1 and are about the same as rents in Dallas.
Albuquerque's Walk Score is 43, 3 points lower than Dallas's 46.
Albuquerque has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Albuquerque has a Transit Score of 29, Dallas's score is 39. Albuquerque's Bike Score is 61, Dallas's score is 49.
Here are neighborhoods in Albuquerque, New Mexico that are similar to Dallas, Texas neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Academy Estates East is similar to Midway Hollow, Preston Hollow North and Hollywood Santa Monica in Dallas.
Academy Hills Park is similar to Prestonwood on the Park, Midway Hollow and Owenwood in Dallas.
Academy North is similar to Windsor Park, Prestonwood on the Park and Prestonwood Estates in Dallas.
Academy Park is similar to Forest Court, Redbird and Cockrell Hill in Dallas.
Alamosa is similar to Oak Park Estates, Perryton Drive and Casa View Haven in Dallas.
Alban Hills is similar to Eastwood Estates, Prestonwood Estates and Windsor Park in Dallas.
Aztec is similar to Claremont, Kessler and Prestonwood on the Park in Dallas.
Highlands North is similar to Eastwood Estates, Windsor Park and Highland Hills in Dallas.
La Luz is similar to Old Lake Highlands, Campbell Green and Prestonwood on the Park in Dallas.
Paradise Terrace is similar to Eastwood Estates, South East Dallas and Highland Hills in Dallas.
Seven Bar North is similar to Wolf Creek, Hollywood Santa Monica and Forest Hills in Dallas.
Seven Bar Ranch is similar to Melshire Estates, Forest Court and Cochran Hollow in Dallas.
Seville is similar to Parkdale-Lawnview, Westmoreland Heights and Singing Hills in Dallas.
Stonebridge Pointe is similar to Ledbetter Gardens, Briarwood and Kimball in Dallas.
Trails at Seven Bar Ranch is similar to Riverway Estates-Bruton Terrace, Buckner Terrace and Dixon Branch in Dallas.