This page shows which neighborhoods in Albuquerque are similar to neighborhoods in New York.
Rents in Albuquerque average $1 and are about the same as rents in New York.
Albuquerque's Walk Score is 43, 45 points lower than New York's 88.
Albuquerque has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Albuquerque has a Transit Score of 29, New York's score is 89. Albuquerque's Bike Score is 61, New York's score is 69.
Here are neighborhoods in Albuquerque, New Mexico that are similar to New York, New York neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Altura is similar to Astoria Heights, South Ozone Park and Far Rockaway in New York.
Barelas is similar to Arverne, Floral park and Graniteville in New York.
Del Norte is similar to South Ozone Park in New York.
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Downtown is similar to Greenpoint and Ozone Park in New York.
Highland is similar to Astoria Heights, North Riverdale and Far Rockaway in New York.
Hodgin is similar to Astoria Heights in New York.
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Jerry Cline Park is similar to Heartland Village in New York.
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Mark Twain is similar to South Ozone Park, Arverne and Park Hill in New York.
Nob Hill is similar to Astoria Heights, South Ozone Park and Far Rockaway in New York.
North Eastern is similar to South Ozone Park, Astoria Heights and Far Rockaway in New York.
Raynolds is similar to Woodhaven, South Ozone Park and Kew Gardens Hills in New York.
Santa Barbara is similar to Heartland Village, Astoria Heights and Mill Basin in New York.
South San Pedro is similar to South Ozone Park, Far Rockaway and Astoria Heights in New York.
Victory Hills is similar to South Ozone Park in New York.
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Zuni is similar to Astoria Heights, South Ozone Park and Far Rockaway in New York.