This page shows which neighborhoods in Arlington are similar to neighborhoods in Columbus.
Rents in Arlington average $1 and are about the same as rents in Columbus.
Arlington's Walk Score is 38, 3 points lower than Columbus's 41.
Arlington has minimal public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Arlington has a Transit Score of 0, Columbus's score is 30. Arlington's Bike Score is 40, Columbus's score is 48.
Here are neighborhoods in Arlington, Texas that are similar to Columbus, Ohio neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Bay Club is similar to Westbend, Village at Forest Ridge and Abby Trails in Columbus.
Double Y Wooded Estates is similar to Old Beechwold, Mount Vernon and Driving Park in Columbus.
Eagle Chase is similar to Brentnell, Oriole Heights and Summit View Forest in Columbus.
Estates Above Wimbledon is similar to Trouville, Indian Springs and Sanctuary in Columbus.
Hidden Oaks is similar to Bluff View, Brentnell and Stonebridge in Columbus.
Hunter Bend is similar to Bluff View, Stilson East and West Albany in Columbus.
Hunter Point is similar to Summit View Forest, Oriole Heights and Schirm Farm in Columbus.
Interlocken is similar to Cambria, Blendon Woods Metro Park and Albany Commons in Columbus.
Lake Port Village is similar to Preston Commons, Westbrooke-Heritage and Brittany Hills in Columbus.
Mckamy Oaks is similar to St. Mary's, Olentangy High Bluffs and Marble Cliff Crossing in Columbus.
Millbrook is similar to Preston Commons, Little Turtle and Gould Park in Columbus.
Sherwood Knoll is similar to Shady Lane, Brookshire and Wood Bridge Green in Columbus.
South Davis is similar to The Ohio State University, Olde Town East and Shannon Heights in Columbus.
Villas of Tuscany is similar to East Linden, Westworth Village and Seven Oaks in Columbus.
Wimbledon on The Creek is similar to Old Beechwold, Driving Park and Mount Vernon in Columbus.