This page shows which neighborhoods in Austin are similar to neighborhoods in Philadelphia.
Rents in Austin average $1 and are about the same as rents in Philadelphia.
Austin's Walk Score is 42, 33 points lower than Philadelphia's 75.
Austin has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Austin has a Transit Score of 35, Philadelphia's score is 67. Austin's Bike Score is 54, Philadelphia's score is 67.
Here are neighborhoods in Austin, Texas that are similar to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Allandale is similar to Fox Chase - Burholme, Holmesburg and Bustleton in Philadelphia.
Barton Hills is similar to Torresdale, Bustleton and Fox Chase - Burholme in Philadelphia.
Bouldin Creek is similar to Mantua, Lawncrest and Juniata Park - Feltonville in Philadelphia.
Brentwood is similar to Lawncrest, Rhawnhurst and Mantua in Philadelphia.
Central East Austin is similar to Manayunk, Tacony - Wissinoming and Oxford Circle - Castor in Philadelphia.
Chestnut is similar to Cedarbrook - Stenton, West Oak Lane and East Mount Airy in Philadelphia.
Coronado Hills is similar to Fox Chase - Burholme, Bustleton and Torresdale in Philadelphia.
Crestview is similar to Tacony - Wissinoming, East Germantown and Manayunk in Philadelphia.
Dawson is similar to Tacony - Wissinoming, Oxford Circle - Castor and Manayunk in Philadelphia.
Downtown is similar to Center City East, Logan Square and University City in Philadelphia.
East Cesar Chavez is similar to Mantua, Lawncrest and Manayunk in Philadelphia.
East Congress is similar to Torresdale, Bustleton and Northeast Philadelphia in Philadelphia.
Franklin Park is similar to Bustleton, Torresdale and Somerton in Philadelphia.
Galindo is similar to Bustleton, Fox Chase - Burholme and Torresdale in Philadelphia.
Garrison Park is similar to Cedarbrook - Stenton, Bustleton and West Oak Lane in Philadelphia.