This page shows which neighborhoods in Austin are similar to neighborhoods in San Antonio.
Rents in Austin average $1 and are about the same as rents in San Antonio.
Austin's Walk Score is 42, 5 points higher than San Antonio's 37.
Austin has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Austin has a Transit Score of 35, San Antonio's score is 31. Austin's Bike Score is 54, San Antonio's score is 45.
Here are neighborhoods in Austin, Texas that are similar to San Antonio, Texas neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Allandale is similar to Shearer Hills - Ridgeview, Hillcrest and Las Palmas in San Antonio.
Barton Hills is similar to Shady Oaks, Park Village and Vance Jackson in San Antonio.
Bouldin Creek is similar to Tobin Hill, Lavaca and Five Points in San Antonio.
Brentwood is similar to Lavaca, Avenida Guadalupe and Tobin Hill in San Antonio.
Central East Austin is similar to Dignowity Hill, Edison and Monte Vista in San Antonio.
Chestnut is similar to Jefferson, Westlawn and Woodlawn Lake in San Antonio.
Coronado Hills is similar to Lockhill Estates, Tierra Linda and Las Palmas in San Antonio.
Crestview is similar to Dignowity Hill, Alta Vista and Monte Vista in San Antonio.
Dawson is similar to Dignowity Hill, Edison and Monte Vista in San Antonio.
East Cesar Chavez is similar to Tobin Hill, Avenida Guadalupe and Lavaca in San Antonio.
East Congress is similar to Shady Oaks, Vance Jackson and Greater Harmony Hils in San Antonio.
East Oak Hill is similar to Woods of Shavano, Stone Oak and Deerfield in San Antonio.
Franklin Park is similar to Lackland Terrace, Norhmoor and Highland Hills in San Antonio.
Galindo is similar to Norhmoor, St. Mary's Gateway District and Las Palmas in San Antonio.