This page shows which neighborhoods in Charlotte are similar to neighborhoods in Albuquerque.
Rents in Charlotte average $1 and are about the same as rents in Albuquerque.
Charlotte's Walk Score is 26, 17 points lower than Albuquerque's 43.
Charlotte has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Charlotte has a Transit Score of 27, Albuquerque's score is 29. Charlotte's Bike Score is 31, Albuquerque's score is 61.
Here are neighborhoods in Charlotte, North Carolina that are similar to Albuquerque, New Mexico neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Becton Park is similar to Antelope Run, Cherry Hills and Embudo Canyon in Albuquerque.
College Downs is similar to Oso Grande, North Domingo Baca and Trails at Seven Bar Ranch in Albuquerque.
Coulwood West is similar to Tanoan East, Quaker Heights and High Desert in Albuquerque.
Eastover is similar to Osuna Park Inc, Stardust Skies Park and Near North Valley in Albuquerque.
Harwood Lane is similar to Four Hills Village, Crestview Heights and Matthew Meadows in Albuquerque.
Lockwood is similar to Wells Park, Sawmill Area and Citizens Imp Comm of Martineztown in Albuquerque.
McCrorey Heights is similar to Paloma Del Sol, Paradise Greens and Lee Acres in Albuquerque.
Newell South is similar to La Luz Del Sol, North Four Hills and Nor Este in Albuquerque.
North Charlotte is similar to Spruce Park, Plaza Vieja and Huning Castle in Albuquerque.
Olde Whitehall is similar to Los Volcanes, Academy Park and La Luz Del Sol in Albuquerque.
Pinecrest is similar to Saragossa, Big Bend and Cottonwood Trails in Albuquerque.
Plaza Midwood is similar to Pat Hurley, Spruce Park and Alamosa in Albuquerque.
Sheffield Park is similar to Classic Uptown, Stardust Skies Park and Spruce Park in Albuquerque.
Villa Heights is similar to Huning Castle, Alvarado Park and Parkland Hills in Albuquerque.
Yorkmount is similar to Kirtland Community, Skyview West and Santa Barbara-Martineztown in Albuquerque.