This page shows which neighborhoods in Charlotte are similar to neighborhoods in Baltimore.
Rents in Charlotte average $1 and are about the same as rents in Baltimore.
Charlotte's Walk Score is 26, 38 points lower than Baltimore's 64.
Charlotte has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Charlotte has a Transit Score of 27, Baltimore's score is 53. Charlotte's Bike Score is 31, Baltimore's score is 53.
Here are neighborhoods in Charlotte, North Carolina that are similar to Baltimore, Maryland neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Becton Park is similar to Cheswolde, Yale Heights and Armistead Gardens in Baltimore.
College Downs is similar to Frankford, Broening and Glenham - Bedford in Baltimore.
Coulwood West is similar to Wakefield, Cheswolde and Beechfield in Baltimore.
Eastover is similar to Frankford, Glenham - Bedford and Ramblewood in Baltimore.
Harwood Lane is similar to The Orchards and Hillsdale Park in Baltimore.
Lockwood is similar to Burleith - Leighton, Woodbourne Heights and Morrell Park in Baltimore.
McCrorey Heights is similar to Bellona - Gittings, Westport Homes and Franklintown in Baltimore.
Newell South is similar to Westgate, Mt. Washington and Ten Hills in Baltimore.
North Charlotte is similar to Berea, Rognel Heights and Midtown Edmondson in Baltimore.
Olde Whitehall is similar to Mt. Washington, Curtis Bay and Carroll South in Baltimore.
Pinecrest is similar to The Orchards, West Forest Park and Hillsdale Park in Baltimore.
Plaza Midwood is similar to Glenham - Bedford, Frankford and Harford - Echodale - Perring Parkway in Baltimore.
Sheffield Park is similar to Frankford, Ramblewood and Rognel Heights in Baltimore.
Villa Heights is similar to Waltherson, Forest Park and Cameron Village in Baltimore.
Yorkmount is similar to Mid-Charles, Broening and Loch Raven in Baltimore.