This page shows which neighborhoods in Charlotte are similar to neighborhoods in Milwaukee.
Rents in Charlotte average $1 and are about the same as rents in Milwaukee.
Charlotte's Walk Score is 26, 36 points lower than Milwaukee's 62.
Charlotte has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Charlotte has a Transit Score of 27, Milwaukee's score is 49. Charlotte's Bike Score is 31, Milwaukee's score is 58.
Here are neighborhoods in Charlotte, North Carolina that are similar to Milwaukee, Wisconsin neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Becton Park is similar to Bradley Estates, Riverton Heights and Town and Country Manor in Milwaukee.
College Downs is similar to Silverswan, Silver Spring and Northridge in Milwaukee.
Coulwood West is similar to Riverton Heights, Calumet Farms and Bradley Estates in Milwaukee.
Eastover is similar to Bluemound Heights, Claytown Crest and Roosevelt Grove in Milwaukee.
Harwood Lane is similar to Golden Gate, Pheasant Run and Wyrick Park in Milwaukee.
Lockwood is similar to Triangle North, Martin Drive and Valley Forge in Milwaukee.
McCrorey Heights is similar to The Valley Pigsville, Florist Highlands and Wilson Park in Milwaukee.
Newell South is similar to Graceland, Riverton Heights and Parkway Hills in Milwaukee.
North Charlotte is similar to Southpoint, Capitol Heights and Garden Homes in Milwaukee.
Olde Whitehall is similar to New Coeln, Parkway Hills and Northridge in Milwaukee.
Pinecrest is similar to Pheasant Run, Wyrick Park and Alcott Park in Milwaukee.
Plaza Midwood is similar to Bluemound Heights, Southpoint and Claytown Crest in Milwaukee.
Sheffield Park is similar to Bluemound Heights, Old North Milwaukee and Southpoint in Milwaukee.
Villa Heights is similar to Lincoln Creek, Enderis Park and Arlington Gardens in Milwaukee.
Yorkmount is similar to Timmerman West, New Coeln and Alverno in Milwaukee.