This page shows which neighborhoods in Colorado Springs are similar to neighborhoods in San Antonio.
Rents in Colorado Springs average $1 and are about the same as rents in San Antonio.
Colorado Springs's Walk Score is 36, 1 points lower than San Antonio's 37.
Colorado Springs has minimal public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Colorado Springs has a Transit Score of 19, San Antonio's score is 31. Colorado Springs's Bike Score is 45, San Antonio's score is 45.
Here are neighborhoods in Colorado Springs, Colorado that are similar to San Antonio, Texas neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Columbine Estates is similar to Memorial Heights, East Terrell Hills and Eastwood Village in San Antonio.
Deerfield Hills is similar to Thousand Oaks, Crown Meadows and Country View Village in San Antonio.
Divine Redeemer is similar to Northwest Los Angeles Heights, Lockhill Estates and Wilshire in San Antonio.
Downtown is similar to Uptown Loop, Arsenal and Tobin Hill in San Antonio.
Falcon Estates is similar to Shady Oaks, Blossom Park and Kentwood Manor in San Antonio.
Garden Ranch is similar to Arboretum, Oak Park - Northwood and Highland Hills in San Antonio.
Gleneagle is similar to Whispering Oaks, French Creek and Oak Meadow in San Antonio.
Interquest is similar to Forest Crest, Eastgate and East Pyron in San Antonio.
Ivywild is similar to Mahncke Park, Oak Park - Northwood and Shearer Hills - Ridgeview in San Antonio.
Old Colorado City is similar to Wilshire, Riverside and Palm Heights in San Antonio.
Pine Creek is similar to College Park, Vista and Braun Station East in San Antonio.
Rockrimmon is similar to Valley Forge, Arboretum and Stone Oak in San Antonio.
Southborough is similar to Sunrise, Babcock North and United Westwood in San Antonio.
Stetson Hills is similar to Braun's Farm, Spring Creek and Hunter's Chase in San Antonio.
Westside is similar to Willshire Terrace, Mahncke Park and Terrell Heights in San Antonio.