This page shows which neighborhoods in Dallas are similar to neighborhoods in Columbus.
Rents in Dallas average $1 and are about the same as rents in Columbus.
Dallas's Walk Score is 46, 5 points higher than Columbus's 41.
Dallas has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Dallas has a Transit Score of 39, Columbus's score is 30. Dallas's Bike Score is 49, Columbus's score is 48.
Here are neighborhoods in Dallas, Texas that are similar to Columbus, Ohio neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Casa Linda-Casa View is similar to Brookshire, Deshler Park and Galloway Ridge in Columbus.
Cockrell Hill is similar to Glenbrook, Brookhollow and North Rickenbacker in Columbus.
Five Mile Creek is similar to Leawood, Shady Lane and East Beechwold in Columbus.
Forest Hills is similar to Brandywine, Framingham and Madison Mills in Columbus.
Greenway Park is similar to Sawmill Ravines, Northcrest and Foxboro in Columbus.
M Streets is similar to Necko, King-Lincoln Bronzeville and Southern Orchards in Columbus.
Mountain Creek is similar to Gould Park, Albany Commons and Blendon Woods Metro Park in Columbus.
Oak Lawn is similar to Short North, Olde Town East and German Village in Columbus.
Piedmont is similar to East Beechwold, Shady Lane and Mount Vernon in Columbus.
Pleasant Grove is similar to Leawood, Galloway Ridge and Westchester-Green Countrie in Columbus.
Redbird is similar to Olde Orchard, Eastland and Olentangy High Bluffs in Columbus.
Riverway Estates-Bruton Terrace is similar to Glenmeadows, Walnut Hills and Riverside in Columbus.
Vickery Place is similar to King-Lincoln Bronzeville, Merion Village and Northcrest in Columbus.
Winnetka Heights is similar to Forest Park East, Northcrest and Governours Square in Columbus.
Wolf Creek is similar to Framingham, Leawood and Madison Mills in Columbus.