This page shows which neighborhoods in Dallas are similar to neighborhoods in Kansas City.
Rents in Dallas average $1 and are about the same as rents in Kansas City.
Dallas's Walk Score is 46, 11 points higher than Kansas City's 35.
Dallas has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Dallas has a Transit Score of 39, Kansas City's score is 25. Dallas's Bike Score is 49, Kansas City's score is 35.
Here are neighborhoods in Dallas, Texas that are similar to Kansas City, Missouri neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Casa Linda-Casa View is similar to River View, Big Shoal and Neighborhood United For Action in Kansas City.
Cockrell Hill is similar to Lewis Heights, Chouteau Estates and Antioch Acres in Kansas City.
Five Mile Creek is similar to Swope Park Campus, North Town Fork Creek and Ingleside in Kansas City.
Forest Hills is similar to Vineyard Northwest, Swope Park Campus and South Blue Valley in Kansas City.
Greenway Park is similar to Holmes Park, Western Hills and Platte Ridge in Kansas City.
M Streets is similar to Union Hill, Roanoke and Westside North in Kansas City.
Mountain Creek is similar to Brown Estates, Dunbar and Hill Haven in Kansas City.
Oak Lawn is similar to Crossroads, Old Westport and Broadway Gillham in Kansas City.
Piedmont is similar to Ingleside, Neighborhood United For Action and Linwood Homeowners - Ivanhoe in Kansas City.
Pleasant Grove is similar to Linden Park, Washington Weatley and Big Shoal in Kansas City.
Redbird is similar to Red Bridge North, Mount Cleveland and Sterling Acres in Kansas City.
Riverway Estates-Bruton Terrace is similar to Bonne Hills, Coves North and Wendell Phillips in Kansas City.
Vickery Place is similar to Roanoke, Union Hill and Westside North in Kansas City.
Winnetka Heights is similar to Longfellow, 18th & Vine and Downtown East and Parkview in Kansas City.
Wolf Creek is similar to Sheraton Estates, North Town Fork Creek and Vineyard Northwest in Kansas City.