This page shows which neighborhoods in Dallas are similar to neighborhoods in Memphis.
Rents in Dallas average $1 and are about the same as rents in Memphis.
Dallas's Walk Score is 46, 11 points higher than Memphis's 35.
Dallas has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Dallas has a Transit Score of 39, Memphis's score is 22. Dallas's Bike Score is 49, Memphis's score is 41.
Here are neighborhoods in Dallas, Texas that are similar to Memphis, Tennessee neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Casa Linda-Casa View is similar to Fenwick Road, Chicasaw Gardens and Cherokee Civic Club in Memphis.
Cockrell Hill is similar to Douglas-Bungalow-Crump, Auburn Ridge and Mt. Pisgah Concerned Citizens in Memphis.
Deep Ellum is similar to Walnut Creek and Uptown Memphis in Memphis.
Five Mile Creek is similar to Rozelle-Annesdale, Old Hickory Hills Civic Club and Cherokee Civic Club in Memphis.
Forest Hills is similar to Alta Vista, Old Hickory Hills Civic Club and Chapel Creek in Memphis.
Greenway Park is similar to Audobon Square Condominiums, Joffre and Colonial View Civic Club in Memphis.
M Streets is similar to Victorian Village, Evergreen Historic District and South Main Historic District in Memphis.
Less Similar
More Similar
Mountain Creek is similar to Frayser, Hawkins Mill Residents Associtaion and Normandy Meadows in Memphis.
Piedmont is similar to Chicasaw Gardens, Rozelle-Annesdale and 1300 Block Club of Tutwiler in Memphis.
Pleasant Grove is similar to Cherokee Civic Club, Fairhills and Autumn Ridge in Memphis.
Redbird is similar to White Station-Yates, Waynoka and Cordova in Memphis.
Riverway Estates-Bruton Terrace is similar to Magnolia Barksdale Civic Club, Colonial Acres and Raleigh-Ridge Park in Memphis.
Vickery Place is similar to East Midtown, Midtown-Central and Belleair Woods in Memphis.
Winnetka Heights is similar to Central Gardens, Audobon Square Condominiums and Paul Borda Towers in Memphis.
Wolf Creek is similar to Old Hickory Hills Civic Club, 48th Ward Civic Club and Cherokee Civic Club in Memphis.