This page shows which neighborhoods in Detroit are similar to neighborhoods in Columbus.
Rents in Detroit average $1 and are about the same as rents in Columbus.
Detroit's Walk Score is 51, 10 points higher than Columbus's 41.
Detroit has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Detroit has a Transit Score of 36, Columbus's score is 30. Detroit's Bike Score is 52, Columbus's score is 48.
Here are neighborhoods in Detroit, Michigan that are similar to Columbus, Ohio neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Bagley is similar to Eastmoor, Woodward Park and South Linden in Columbus.
Denby is similar to South Central Hilltop, Central Hilltop and Seven Oaks in Columbus.
Evergreen is similar to Shady Lane, East Beechwold and Leawood in Columbus.
Gold Coast is similar to Northmoor, Franklin Park and Beechwood in Columbus.
Greenfield is similar to Maize-Morse, Woodland Park and Central Clintonville in Columbus.
Indian Village is similar to Whetstone, South of Main and Henderson Heights in Columbus.
Jefferson Chalmers is similar to Coppertree, Stonebridge and Brentnell in Columbus.
Joseph Barry Historic District is similar to South Central Hilltop, Brice and Seven Oaks in Columbus.
Mackenzie is similar to Galloway Ridge, Sycamore Hills and Brookshire in Columbus.
Marina District is similar to West Campus, Indian Springs and Old Beechwold in Columbus.
Osborn is similar to Shady Lane, East Beechwold and South Hilltop in Columbus.
Palmer Park is similar to Brice, Mount Vernon and Eastgate in Columbus.
Redford is similar to Brice, Mount Vernon and Shady Lane in Columbus.
Rosa Parks is similar to Olentangy Commons, Riverview and Kendale in Columbus.
Rosedale Park is similar to Mount Vernon, East Beechwold and Edgewood in Columbus.