This page shows which neighborhoods in Detroit are similar to neighborhoods in New York.
Rents in Detroit average $1 and are about the same as rents in New York.
Detroit's Walk Score is 51, 37 points lower than New York's 88.
Detroit has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Detroit has a Transit Score of 36, New York's score is 89. Detroit's Bike Score is 52, New York's score is 69.
Here are neighborhoods in Detroit, Michigan that are similar to New York, New York neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Bagley is similar to Eltingville, Queens Village and Canarsie in New York.
Berg-Lasher is similar to Greenridge and Woodrow in New York.
Brightmoor is similar to Greenridge in New York.
Less Similar
More Similar
Elmwood Park is similar to Far Rockaway, Bulls Head and Rockaway Beach in New York.
English Village is similar to Clason Point, Gerritsen Beach and New Dorp Beach in New York.
Franklin Park is similar to Greenridge, Country Club and Gerritsen Beach in New York.
Grandmont-Rosedale is similar to Clason Point, Gerritsen Beach and Country Club in New York.
Lafayette Park is similar to Wakefield, Rockaway Beach and Windsor Terrace in New York.
Midtown is similar to Midwood, Gowanus and Brighton Beach in New York.
Morningside is similar to Bay Terrace, Oakland Gardens and Eltingville in New York.
Rivertown is similar to City Island, Elm Park and Fieldston in New York.
Warrendale is similar to Country Club and Bay Terrace in New York.
Wayne State is similar to Hillcrest, Maspeth and Westchester Heights in New York.
West Side Industrial is similar to Howard Beach, Emerson Hill and Sunnyside (Staten Island) in New York.