This page shows which neighborhoods in Detroit are similar to neighborhoods in San Antonio.
Rents in Detroit average $1 and are about the same as rents in San Antonio.
Detroit's Walk Score is 51, 14 points higher than San Antonio's 37.
Detroit has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Detroit has a Transit Score of 36, San Antonio's score is 31. Detroit's Bike Score is 52, San Antonio's score is 45.
Here are neighborhoods in Detroit, Michigan that are similar to San Antonio, Texas neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Bagley is similar to Rolling Ridge Club, Los Jardines and Riverside in San Antonio.
Denby is similar to Harvard Place - Eastlawn, Third World and Thelka in San Antonio.
Evergreen is similar to Donaldson Terrace, Pipers Meadow and Inspiration Hills in San Antonio.
Gold Coast is similar to Quintana, Camelot and Government Hil in San Antonio.
Greenfield is similar to Riverside, Government Hil and Mahncke Park in San Antonio.
Indian Village is similar to Westfort, Jefferson Heights and King William in San Antonio.
Jefferson Chalmers is similar to Kingsborough Ridge, Wheatley Heights and Woodbridge at Monte Viejo in San Antonio.
Joseph Barry Historic District is similar to Harvard Place - Eastlawn, Dreamland Oaks and Thelka in San Antonio.
Mackenzie is similar to Donaldson Terrace, Meadow Village and Inspiration Hills in San Antonio.
Marina District is similar to Olmos Park Terrace, Inspiration Hills and Oak Grove in San Antonio.
Osborn is similar to Quintana, Pipers Meadow and Inspiration Hills in San Antonio.
Palmer Park is similar to Olmos Park Terrace, Dreamland Oaks and Highland Forest in San Antonio.
Redford is similar to Inspiration Hills, Coliseum Willow Park and Donaldson Terrace in San Antonio.
Rosa Parks is similar to Oak Hills, Lone Star and Shearer Hills - Ridgeview in San Antonio.
Rosedale Park is similar to Coliseum Willow Park, Englewood and Arena District in San Antonio.