This page shows which neighborhoods in Fresno are similar to neighborhoods in Detroit.
Rents in Fresno average $1 and are about the same as rents in Detroit.
Fresno's Walk Score is 47, 4 points lower than Detroit's 51.
Fresno has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Fresno has a Transit Score of 33, Detroit's score is 36. Fresno's Bike Score is 58, Detroit's score is 52.
Here are neighborhoods in Fresno, California that are similar to Detroit, Michigan neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Calwa is similar to Grandmont, Cody-Rouge and Winter Halter in Detroit.
Edison is similar to Coleman A. Young International Airport, Chene and Tireman in Detroit.
Fulton Mall is similar to Downtown and University in Detroit.
Germantown is similar to Burbank, Durfee and Osborn in Detroit.
Highway City is similar to Brightmoor, Coleman A. Young International Airport and Tireman in Detroit.
Huntington is similar to Bagley, Greenfield and Chadsey-Condominiums in Detroit.
Little Italy is similar to Indian Village, Vernor and Central in Detroit.
Lowell is similar to Greenfield, Bagley and Finney in Detroit.
McLane is similar to Kettering-butzel, Greenfield and Pershing in Detroit.
Pinedale is similar to Rosa Parks, Finney and Kettering-butzel in Detroit.
Sierra Sky Park is similar to Brightmoor, Tireman and St. Jean in Detroit.
Sun Garden Acres is similar to Rosedale Park, Pembroke and Cerveny in Detroit.
Sunnyside is similar to Cody-Rouge, Grandmont and Tireman in Detroit.
The Cultural Arts District is similar to Central, Indian Village and Downtown in Detroit.
Woodward Park is similar to Cody-Rouge, Kettering-butzel and Grandmont in Detroit.