This page shows which neighborhoods in Fresno are similar to neighborhoods in Oklahoma City.
Rents in Fresno average $1 and are about the same as rents in Oklahoma City.
Fresno's Walk Score is 47, 13 points higher than Oklahoma City's 34.
Fresno has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Fresno has a Transit Score of 33, Oklahoma City's score is 17. Fresno's Bike Score is 58, Oklahoma City's score is 40.
Here are neighborhoods in Fresno, California that are similar to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Calwa is similar to Stockyards City Main Street, Bush Hills and Putnam Heights in Oklahoma City.
Edison is similar to Waterfront at Oakmond, Springlake and Bradford Gardens Corp in Oklahoma City.
Germantown is similar to Grand Portland, Bush Hills and Pitts Park in Oklahoma City.
Herndon is similar to Trailswest and Westgate in Oklahoma City.
Highway City is similar to Waterfront at Oakmond, Shallow Brook and Ravenswood in Oklahoma City.
Huntington is similar to Capitol Hill, Central Capitol Hill and Jackson in Oklahoma City.
Little Italy is similar to Central Capitol Hill, Mayview and Belle Isle View in Oklahoma City.
Lowell is similar to Central Capitol Hill, Las Vegas and Belle Isle View in Oklahoma City.
McLane is similar to Bush Hills, Putnam Heights and Stockyards City Main Street in Oklahoma City.
Pinedale is similar to Glenbrook, Crestline Park-Southbrook and 50 Penn West in Oklahoma City.
Sierra Sky Park is similar to Treadwell Hills, Red Oak and Waterfront at Oakmond in Oklahoma City.
Sun Garden Acres is similar to Bush Hills, Pitts Park and Grand Portland in Oklahoma City.
Sunnyside is similar to Shallow Brook, Ravenswood and Waterfront at Oakmond in Oklahoma City.
Van Ness Extension is similar to Springlake, Bradford Gardens Corp and Waterfront at Oakmond in Oklahoma City.
Woodward Park is similar to Crestline Park-Southbrook, Bradford Gardens Corp and Zachary Taylor in Oklahoma City.