This page shows which neighborhoods in Houston are similar to neighborhoods in Dallas.
Rents in Houston average $1 and are about the same as rents in Dallas.
Houston's Walk Score is 47, 1 points higher than Dallas's 46.
Houston has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Houston has a Transit Score of 36, Dallas's score is 39. Houston's Bike Score is 49, Dallas's score is 49.
Here are neighborhoods in Houston, Texas that are similar to Dallas, Texas neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Acres Home is similar to Wolf Creek, Northwood Hills and Preston Hollow North in Dallas.
Addicks - Park Ten is similar to Rylie in Dallas.
Less Similar
More Similar
Afton Oaks - River Oaks is similar to Bent Tree West, Bachman-Northwest Highway and Preston Royal Northwest in Dallas.
Alief is similar to RANDCO, Lake Highlands and Winnetka Heights in Dallas.
Astrodome is similar to Caruth Hills and Homeplace, Vickery and Hillcrest Forest in Dallas.
Braeburn is similar to Lovefield West, Winnetka Heights and RANDCO in Dallas.
Braeswood Place is similar to Winnetka Heights, Lovefield West and RANDCO in Dallas.
Briarforest is similar to Lake Highlands, RANDCO and Lovefield West in Dallas.
Carverdale is similar to Fort Worth Avenue, Preston North and East Kessler Park in Dallas.
Central Southwest is similar to Preston Hollow North, Preston Hollow East and Wolf Creek in Dallas.
Clear Lake is similar to Westhollow, Forest Court and Inwood-Northwest in Dallas.
Clinton Park Tri-Community is similar to Royal Northaven, Cockrell Hill and Preston Hollow East in Dallas.
Denver Harbor - Port Houston is similar to Melshire Estates, Cochran Hollow and Lovefield West in Dallas.
The Museum District is similar to Glencoe Park, Deep Ellum and M Streets in Dallas.