This page shows which neighborhoods in Jacksonville are similar to neighborhoods in Albuquerque.
Rents in Jacksonville average $1 and are about the same as rents in Albuquerque.
Jacksonville's Walk Score is 26, 17 points lower than Albuquerque's 43.
Jacksonville has minimal public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Jacksonville has a Transit Score of 21, Albuquerque's score is 29. Jacksonville's Bike Score is 41, Albuquerque's score is 61.
Here are neighborhoods in Jacksonville, Florida that are similar to Albuquerque, New Mexico neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
29th and Chase is similar to Foothill Estates, Chelwood Vista and Eisenhower Area in Albuquerque.
45th and Moncrief is similar to Four Hills Mhp, Eagle Ranch and S.r. Marmon in Albuquerque.
Alderman Park is similar to Heritage East, Seven Bar North and Chelwood Vista in Albuquerque.
Allendale is similar to Taylor Ranch, Seven Bar North and S.r. Marmon in Albuquerque.
Argyle Forest is similar to S.r. Marmon, Oso Grande and Panorama Heights in Albuquerque.
Arlington is similar to Singing Arrow, Del Norte and Victory Hills in Albuquerque.
Arlington Hills is similar to S.r. Marmon, Taylor Ranch and Heritage East in Albuquerque.
Arlington Manor is similar to West Mesa, Trumbull Village and McKinley in Albuquerque.
Arlingwood is similar to Onate, Heritage East and Cottonwood Heights in Albuquerque.
Arrowhead is similar to Victory Hills, Panorama Heights and Eldorado Heights in Albuquerque.
Atlantic Boulevard Estates is similar to S.r. Marmon, Eagle Ranch and Taylor Ranch in Albuquerque.
Atlantic Highlands is similar to Skies West, Stonebridge Pointe and Eagle Pointe in Albuquerque.
Avondale is similar to Candelmen, Trumbull Village and McKinley in Albuquerque.
Bayard is similar to Paloma Del Sol, Los Alamos Civic and Del Rey in Albuquerque.