This page shows which neighborhoods in Jacksonville are similar to neighborhoods in Raleigh.
Rents in Jacksonville average $1 and are about the same as rents in Raleigh.
Jacksonville's Walk Score is 26, 5 points lower than Raleigh's 31.
Jacksonville has minimal public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Jacksonville has a Transit Score of 21, Raleigh's score is 29. Jacksonville's Bike Score is 41, Raleigh's score is 39.
Here are neighborhoods in Jacksonville, Florida that are similar to Raleigh, North Carolina neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
45th and Moncrief is similar to North Hills, Brier Creek Country Club and King Charles in Raleigh.
Alderman Park is similar to North Hills, Stonehenge East and Brier Creek Country Club in Raleigh.
Allendale is similar to Brier Creek Country Club, North Hills and North Ridge in Raleigh.
Argyle Forest is similar to Brier Creek Country Club in Raleigh.
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Arlington is similar to College Park in Raleigh.
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Arlington Hills is similar to Brier Creek Country Club and North Hills in Raleigh.
Arlington Manor is similar to Stonehenge East and College Park in Raleigh.
Arlingwood is similar to Brookhaven and Sunset Hills in Raleigh.
Atlantic Boulevard Estates is similar to Brier Creek Country Club, North Hills and Stonehenge East in Raleigh.
Atlantic Highlands is similar to Hedingham, Sunset Hills and Brookhaven in Raleigh.
Avondale is similar to College Park and Oakwood in Raleigh.
Bayard is similar to Brookhaven and North Ridge in Raleigh.
Baymeadows is similar to Brier Creek Country Club in Raleigh.
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Beach Haven is similar to Brier Creek Country Club and North Hills in Raleigh.
Beachwood is similar to Stonehenge East, College Park and North Hills in Raleigh.