This page shows which neighborhoods in Long Beach are similar to neighborhoods in Columbus.
Rents in Long Beach average $1 and are about the same as rents in Columbus.
Long Beach's Walk Score is 73, 32 points higher than Columbus's 41.
Long Beach has some public transportation and is very bikeable. Long Beach has a Transit Score of 49, Columbus's score is 30. Long Beach's Bike Score is 70, Columbus's score is 48.
Here are neighborhoods in Long Beach, California that are similar to Columbus, Ohio neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Belmont Heights is similar to Merion Village, King-Lincoln Bronzeville and Old North Columbus in Columbus.
Belmont Shore is similar to Tri-Village, Dennison Place and Merion Village in Columbus.
Bixby Hill is similar to Olentangy High Bluffs, Central College and Milbrook in Columbus.
Bixby Knolls is similar to Livingston Park North, Harrison West and Crown Ridge in Columbus.
Bluff Park is similar to Merion Village, Northmoor and Southern Orchards in Columbus.
Cal State University Long Beach is similar to Brewery District and Easton in Columbus.
Cherry Manor is similar to Woodland Park, Maize-Morse and North Hilltop in Columbus.
College Estates is similar to Appian, Shepard and West Campus in Columbus.
Downtown is similar to Downtown and Short North in Columbus.
El Dorado Park Estates is similar to Deshler Park, Hyde Park and Shady Lane in Columbus.
Lakewood Village is similar to Olentangy Commons, Livingston Park North and Sawmill Ravines in Columbus.
Los Altos is similar to South of Main, Livingston Park North and Crown Ridge in Columbus.
Park Estates is similar to Livingston Park North, South of Main and Milo-Grogan in Columbus.
South of Conant is similar to Indian Springs, Deshler Park and Innis Garden Village in Columbus.
The Lakes is similar to Eastgate, Brandywine and Brice in Columbus.