This page shows which neighborhoods in Long Beach are similar to neighborhoods in New York.
Rents in Long Beach average $1 and are about the same as rents in New York.
Long Beach's Walk Score is 73, 15 points lower than New York's 88.
Long Beach has some public transportation and is very bikeable. Long Beach has a Transit Score of 49, New York's score is 89. Long Beach's Bike Score is 70, New York's score is 69.
Here are neighborhoods in Long Beach, California that are similar to New York, New York neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Belmont Heights is similar to Edenwald, Queens Village and South Jamaica in New York.
Belmont Shore is similar to Pelham Gardens, Riverdale and Fresh Meadows in New York.
Bluff Park is similar to Cambria Heights, Grant City and Baychester in New York.
Bryant School is similar to Coney Island, East New York and Flatlands in New York.
California Heights is similar to Far Rockaway in New York.
Less Similar
More Similar
Eastside is similar to Clason Point, Ocean Hill and Williamsbridge in New York.
Imperial Estates is similar to City Island, Richmond Town and Rossville in New York.
Naples is similar to City Island and Sea Gate in New York.
Ramona Park is similar to Manor Heights, Mariners Harbor and Whitestone in New York.
SEADIP is similar to City Island, Richmond Town and Willowbrook in New York.
Saint Mary is similar to Midwood and Ozone Park in New York.
Traffic Circle is similar to Far Rockaway, West Brighton and Kew Gardens Hills in New York.
Washington School is similar to Woodhaven, Clason Point and Bath Beach in New York.
Willmore City is similar to Edenwald, South Jamaica and Woodhaven in New York.
Wilson High is similar to Marine Park, Baychester and Middle Village in New York.