This page shows which neighborhoods in Mesa are similar to neighborhoods in Arlington.
Rents in Mesa average $1 and are about the same as rents in Arlington.
Mesa's Walk Score is 38, the same as Arlington's Walk Score.
Mesa has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Mesa has a Transit Score of 27, Arlington's score is 0. Mesa's Bike Score is 60, Arlington's score is 40.
Here are neighborhoods in Mesa, Arizona that are similar to Arlington, Texas neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Alma Gardens Trailer Park is similar to Double Y Wooded Estates, Wimbledon on The Creek and Old Town in Arlington.
Alma Park Apartments is similar to Heart of Arlington, Highland Park Arlington and Woodland West in Arlington.
Boulder Mountain Highlands is similar to Tiffany Park, Enchanted Lake Estates and Southwind in Arlington.
Boys and Girls in the Hood is similar to Forestbrook, Clubview and Parkview in Arlington.
Bridgewood Townhomes is similar to Stoneridge, Forestbrook and Villas of Tuscany in Arlington.
Brookfield East is similar to Hunter Point, Bay Club and Hidden Creek in Arlington.
Buckhorn is similar to Coldwater Creek, Oakbrook and Sherwood Knoll in Arlington.
C.A.N.D.O. is similar to Heart of Arlington, Graham Square and Woodland West in Arlington.
Carriage Manor is similar to Fannin Farm, Emerald Park and Willow Bend-Thousand Oaks in Arlington.
Casa Mesa is similar to Highland Park Arlington, Sherwood Knoll and Woodland West in Arlington.
Casa Mesa East is similar to Heart of Arlington, Graham Square and Woodland West in Arlington.
Casa Mia is similar to Fossil Lake, Woodfield Arlington and Lynn Creek Village in Arlington.
Citrus is similar to Interlocken, Interlochen West and Bay Springs in Arlington.
Comite de Families en Accion is similar to Mckamy Oaks, Sherwood Knoll and Estates Above Wimbledon in Arlington.
Concord Village is similar to Graham Square, Forest Park Arlington and Fielder Park in Arlington.