This page shows which neighborhoods in Mesa are similar to neighborhoods in Indianapolis.
Rents in Mesa average $1 and are about the same as rents in Indianapolis.
Mesa's Walk Score is 38, 7 points higher than Indianapolis's 31.
Mesa has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Mesa has a Transit Score of 27, Indianapolis's score is 25. Mesa's Bike Score is 60, Indianapolis's score is 43.
Here are neighborhoods in Mesa, Arizona that are similar to Indianapolis, Indiana neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Alma Gardens Trailer Park is similar to North Perry and Garfield Park in Indianapolis.
Alma Park Apartments is similar to Near Eastside, Meridian Kessler and North High School in Indianapolis.
Boulder Mountain Highlands is similar to Poplar Grove, Brendonwood and Valley Mills in Indianapolis.
Boys and Girls in the Hood is similar to Forest Manor, North High School and Devington in Indianapolis.
Bridgewood Townhomes is similar to Forest Manor in Indianapolis.
Less Similar
More Similar
Brookfield East is similar to Devon, Rumford Eastway Manor and Waterwood at Eagle Creek in Indianapolis.
Buckhorn is similar to Devington, Mars Hill and Linden Wood in Indianapolis.
C.A.N.D.O. is similar to Meridian Kessler, Mapleton - Fall Creek and Near Eastside in Indianapolis.
Carriage Manor is similar to Highlands, Mars Hill and Crooked Creek in Indianapolis.
Casa Mesa is similar to North High School, Mapleton - Fall Creek and Near Eastside in Indianapolis.
Casa Mesa East is similar to Meridian Kessler, Near Eastside and Fountain Square in Indianapolis.
Casa Mia is similar to Ballinshire Estates - Cobblestone, Brendonwood and Waterwood at Eagle Creek in Indianapolis.
Citrus is similar to Southern Dunes, Highland - Kessler and Wanamaker in Indianapolis.
Comite de Families en Accion is similar to Near Southeast, University Heights and Northeastwood in Indianapolis.
Concord Village is similar to Chatard, Fairgrounds and Garfield Park in Indianapolis.