This page shows which neighborhoods in Mesa are similar to neighborhoods in New York.
Rents in Mesa average $1 and are about the same as rents in New York.
Mesa's Walk Score is 38, 50 points lower than New York's 88.
Mesa has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Mesa has a Transit Score of 27, New York's score is 89. Mesa's Bike Score is 60, New York's score is 69.
Here are neighborhoods in Mesa, Arizona that are similar to New York, New York neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Augusta Ranch is similar to Greenridge, Arden Heights and Sea Gate in New York.
Boulder Creek is similar to Greenridge in New York.
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Buckhorn is similar to Greenridge in New York.
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Fuller Ranch is similar to Woodrow in New York.
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Golden Hills is similar to Arden Heights in New York.
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Heritage Park is similar to Mariners Harbor in New York.
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Mesa Vista is similar to Greenridge, Arden Heights and Rossville in New York.
Nuestro is similar to Mariners Harbor, Manor Heights and Far Rockaway in New York.
Palo Verde Park is similar to Arden Heights, Rossville and Greenridge in New York.
Ranch West is similar to Mariners Harbor and Manor Heights in New York.
Sherwood is similar to Mariners Harbor, Douglaston and Graniteville in New York.
Sunland Village is similar to Arden Heights, Greenridge and Rossville in New York.
Villages of Eastridge is similar to Greenridge in New York.
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