This page shows which neighborhoods in Mesa are similar to neighborhoods in San Antonio.
Rents in Mesa average $1 and are about the same as rents in San Antonio.
Mesa's Walk Score is 38, 1 points higher than San Antonio's 37.
Mesa has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Mesa has a Transit Score of 27, San Antonio's score is 31. Mesa's Bike Score is 60, San Antonio's score is 45.
Here are neighborhoods in Mesa, Arizona that are similar to San Antonio, Texas neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Alma Gardens Trailer Park is similar to Olmos Park Terrace, Nevada Street and Quintana in San Antonio.
Alma Park Apartments is similar to Westlawn, Loma Park and Greater Gardendale in San Antonio.
Boulder Mountain Highlands is similar to Emerald Forest, Redland Woods and Elm Creek in San Antonio.
Boys and Girls in the Hood is similar to Third World, Harvard Place - Eastlawn and Thelka in San Antonio.
Bridgewood Townhomes is similar to Harvard Place - Eastlawn, Denver Heights and Third World in San Antonio.
Brookfield East is similar to Kingsborough Ridge, Wheatley Heights and Woodglen in San Antonio.
Buckhorn is similar to Royal Ridge, Oakmont Downs and Spring Creek in San Antonio.
C.A.N.D.O. is similar to Prospect Hill, Woodlawn Lake and Alta Vista in San Antonio.
Carriage Manor is similar to Park Forest, Oak Haven Heights and Oak Meadow in San Antonio.
Casa Mesa is similar to Jefferson, Highland Park and Greater Gardendale in San Antonio.
Casa Mesa East is similar to Prospect Hill, Westlawn and Palm Heights in San Antonio.
Casa Mia is similar to Oxbow, Spring Vistas - Sierra Springs and Hidden Cove - Indian Creek in San Antonio.
Citrus is similar to Scattered Oaks, Elm Creek and Dominion in San Antonio.
Comite de Families en Accion is similar to Rainbow Hills, Thunderbird Hills and General Kruger in San Antonio.
Concord Village is similar to Country, El Chaparral Fertile Valley and Terrell Heights in San Antonio.