This page shows which neighborhoods in Minneapolis are similar to neighborhoods in Baltimore.
Rents in Minneapolis average $1 and are about the same as rents in Baltimore.
Minneapolis's Walk Score is 71, 7 points higher than Baltimore's 64.
Minneapolis has good public transportation and is very bikeable. Minneapolis has a Transit Score of 55, Baltimore's score is 53. Minneapolis's Bike Score is 83, Baltimore's score is 53.
Here are neighborhoods in Minneapolis, Minnesota that are similar to Baltimore, Maryland neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Armatage is similar to Woodring, Forest Park and Garwyn Oaks in Baltimore.
Audubon Park is similar to Woodbourne - McCabe, Cameron Village and Winston - Govans in Baltimore.
Bancroft is similar to Woodbourne - McCabe, Shipley Hill and Evergreen Lawn in Baltimore.
Beltrami is similar to Shipley Hill, Western District and Kernewood in Baltimore.
Bottineau is similar to Mill Hill, Radnor - Winston and Lake Evesham in Baltimore.
Bryant is similar to Shipley Hill, Woodbourne - McCabe and Evergreen Lawn in Baltimore.
Bryn Mawr is similar to New North Roland Park - Poplar Hill, Bellona - Gittings and Fairmount in Baltimore.
CARAG is similar to Bentalou - Smallwood, Joseph Lee and Baltimore Highlands in Baltimore.
Camden Industrial is similar to Pulaski Industrial Area, Tulaski Industrial Area and Hanlon Park in Baltimore.
Cedar Isles - Dean is similar to Westfield, Beverly Hills and Radnor - Winston in Baltimore.
Cedar-Riverside is similar to Madison Park, Hollins Park and Gay Street in Baltimore.
Central is similar to Waverly, Patterson Park and Pratt Monroe in Baltimore.
Cleveland is similar to Howard Park, Wilson Heights and Original Northwood in Baltimore.
Columbia Park is similar to Edmondson Village, New North Roland Park - Poplar Hill and Fairmount in Baltimore.
Como is similar to Mill Hill, Woodbourne Heights and Radnor - Winston in Baltimore.