This page shows which neighborhoods in Minneapolis are similar to neighborhoods in Oklahoma City.
Rents in Minneapolis average $1 and are about the same as rents in Oklahoma City.
Minneapolis's Walk Score is 71, 37 points higher than Oklahoma City's 34.
Minneapolis has good public transportation and is very bikeable. Minneapolis has a Transit Score of 55, Oklahoma City's score is 17. Minneapolis's Bike Score is 83, Oklahoma City's score is 40.
Here are neighborhoods in Minneapolis, Minnesota that are similar to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Armatage is similar to Bush Hills, Springlake and Red Oak in Oklahoma City.
Audubon Park is similar to Grand Portland, Mayview and Las Vegas in Oklahoma City.
Bancroft is similar to Grand Portland, Las Vegas and Western Hills in Oklahoma City.
Bottineau is similar to Central Capitol Hill, 50 Penn West and Mayview in Oklahoma City.
Bryant is similar to Grand Portland, Las Vegas and Western Hills in Oklahoma City.
Bryn Mawr is similar to Red Oak, Springlake and Bush Hills in Oklahoma City.
CARAG is similar to Mesta Park, Corridor South and Central Capitol Hill in Oklahoma City.
Camden Industrial is similar to Manwell Acres in Oklahoma City.
Less Similar
More Similar
Cedar Isles - Dean is similar to Riverside, Crestline Park-Southbrook and Mayview in Oklahoma City.
Central is similar to Central Capitol Hill, Paseo and Las Vegas in Oklahoma City.
Cleveland is similar to Classen North Highland Park, Red Oak and Martin Luther King in Oklahoma City.
Como is similar to 50 Penn West and Riverside in Oklahoma City.
Cooper is similar to Grand Portland, Bush Hills and Mayview in Oklahoma City.
Corcoran is similar to Grand Portland, Las Vegas and Mayview in Oklahoma City.
Diamond Lake is similar to Red Oak, Classen North Highland Park and Bush Hills in Oklahoma City.