This page shows which neighborhoods in New York are similar to neighborhoods in San Francisco.
Rents in New York average $1 and are about the same as rents in San Francisco.
New York's Walk Score is 88, 1 points lower than San Francisco's 89.
New York has excellent public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. New York has a Transit Score of 89, San Francisco's score is 77. New York's Bike Score is 69, San Francisco's score is 72.
Here are neighborhoods in New York, New York that are similar to San Francisco, California neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Boerum Hill is similar to South Beach, Civic Center and Rincon Hill in San Francisco.
Brooklyn Heights is similar to Civic Center, South of Market and South Beach in San Francisco.
Crown Heights is similar to Mint Hill, Duboce Triangle and Castro in San Francisco.
Downtown Brooklyn is similar to Financial District in San Francisco.
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More Similar
East Harlem is similar to Rincon Hill, South Beach and North Beach in San Francisco.
Flatbush is similar to Castro, Duboce Triangle and Marina District in San Francisco.
Forest Hills is similar to Stonestown, Showplace Square and Presidio Heights in San Francisco.
Garment District is similar to Financial District in San Francisco.
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Gravesend is similar to West Portal, Westwood Park and Cow Hollow in San Francisco.
Greenpoint is similar to Stonestown, Presidio Heights and Laurel Heights-Jordan Park in San Francisco.
Greenwood Heights is similar to Aquatic Park-Fort Mason, Showplace Square and Westwood Park in San Francisco.
Prospect Heights is similar to Castro, Duboce Triangle and Telegraph Hill in San Francisco.
Stuyvesant Town - Peter Cooper Village is similar to Duboce Triangle, Castro and Telegraph Hill in San Francisco.
Upper West Side is similar to North Beach, South Beach and Rincon Hill in San Francisco.
West Harlem is similar to South Beach, Rincon Hill and North Beach in San Francisco.