This page shows which neighborhoods in Oakland are similar to neighborhoods in Atlanta.
Rents in Oakland average $1 and are about the same as rents in Atlanta.
Oakland's Walk Score is 75, 27 points higher than Atlanta's 48.
Oakland has good public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Oakland has a Transit Score of 57, Atlanta's score is 44. Oakland's Bike Score is 65, Atlanta's score is 42.
Here are neighborhoods in Oakland, California that are similar to Atlanta, Georgia neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Acorn is similar to Sweet Auburn, Castleberry Hill and Capitol Gateway in Atlanta.
Acorn Industrial is similar to Castleberry Hill, Sweet Auburn and Little Five Points in Atlanta.
Adams Point is similar to Buckhead Heights, Old Fourth Ward and Home Park in Atlanta.
Allendale is similar to Cabbagetown, Candler Park and Peachtree Heights East in Atlanta.
Arroyo Viejo is similar to Cabbagetown, Candler Park and Mechanicsville in Atlanta.
Bartlett is similar to The Villages at Castleberry Hill, Summerhill and Cabbagetown in Atlanta.
Bella Vista is similar to Cabbagetown, The Villages at Castleberry Hill and Summerhill in Atlanta.
Brookfield Village is similar to Campbellton Road, Peachtree Heights East and Ormewood Park in Atlanta.
Bushrod is similar to Old Fourth Ward, Atlantic Station and Sweet Auburn in Atlanta.
Caballo Hills is similar to Bakers Ferry, West Highlands and Wyngate in Atlanta.
Castlemont is similar to Peachtree Heights East, Mechanicsville and Pittsburgh in Atlanta.
Chabot Park is similar to Audobon Forest, South River Gardens and Wyngate in Atlanta.
Clawson is similar to Inman Park, Reynoldstown and Poncey-Highland in Atlanta.
Cleveland Heights is similar to Cabbagetown, Inman Park and Candler Park in Atlanta.
Clinton is similar to Inman Park, Cabbagetown and Buckhead Heights in Atlanta.