This page shows which neighborhoods in Oakland are similar to neighborhoods in Denver.
Rents in Oakland average $1 and are about the same as rents in Denver.
Oakland's Walk Score is 75, 14 points higher than Denver's 61.
Oakland has good public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Oakland has a Transit Score of 57, Denver's score is 45. Oakland's Bike Score is 65, Denver's score is 72.
Here are neighborhoods in Oakland, California that are similar to Denver, Colorado neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Acorn is similar to Five Points, Baker and Lincoln Park in Denver.
Acorn Industrial is similar to Baker, Jefferson Park and Five Points in Denver.
Adams Point is similar to Cheesman Park, Five Points and Speer in Denver.
Allendale is similar to Whittier, West Colfax and Barnum in Denver.
Arroyo Viejo is similar to West Colfax, Whittier and Cole in Denver.
Bartlett is similar to East Colfax, Whittier and Barnum in Denver.
Bella Vista is similar to Whittier, East Colfax and Barnum in Denver.
Brookfield Village is similar to Mar Lee, Harvey Park and Westwood in Denver.
Bushrod is similar to Five Points, Speer and Highland in Denver.
Caballo Hills is similar to Gateway in Denver.
Less Similar
More Similar
Castlemont is similar to West Colfax, East Colfax and Whittier in Denver.
Chabot Park is similar to Fort Logan, Gateway and Green Valley Ranch in Denver.
Clawson is similar to Platt Park, Highland and Cole in Denver.
Cleveland Heights is similar to Whittier, West Colfax and Platt Park in Denver.
Clinton is similar to Cheesman Park, Cole and Platt Park in Denver.