This page shows which neighborhoods in Oakland are similar to neighborhoods in Seattle.
Rents in Oakland average $1 and are about the same as rents in Seattle.
Oakland's Walk Score is 75, 1 points higher than Seattle's 74.
Oakland has good public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Oakland has a Transit Score of 57, Seattle's score is 60. Oakland's Bike Score is 65, Seattle's score is 71.
Here are neighborhoods in Oakland, California that are similar to Seattle, Washington neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Acorn is similar to North Beacon Hill, Atlantic and Columbia City in Seattle.
Acorn Industrial is similar to North Beacon Hill, Atlantic and Columbia City in Seattle.
Adams Point is similar to Central District, Wallingford and Fremont in Seattle.
Allendale is similar to Loyal Heights, South Delridge and Whittier Heights in Seattle.
Arroyo Viejo is similar to Brighton, Dunlap and South Delridge in Seattle.
Bartlett is similar to Mid-Beacon Hill, South Delridge and Loyal Heights in Seattle.
Bella Vista is similar to South Delridge, Loyal Heights and Dunlap in Seattle.
Brookfield Village is similar to High Point, Gatewood and Wedgewood in Seattle.
Caballo Hills is similar to Rainier View in Seattle.
Less Similar
More Similar
Castlemont is similar to South Delridge, Loyal Heights and Gatewood in Seattle.
Clawson is similar to Columbia City, Roosevelt and Madison Valley in Seattle.
Cleveland Heights is similar to Brighton, Hillman City and Whittier Heights in Seattle.
Clinton is similar to Greenwood, Holly Park and Hillman City in Seattle.
Coliseum is similar to Portage Bay, Dunlap and Brighton in Seattle.