This page shows which neighborhoods in Oklahoma City are similar to neighborhoods in Jacksonville.
Rents in Oklahoma City average $1 and are about the same as rents in Jacksonville.
Oklahoma City's Walk Score is 34, 8 points higher than Jacksonville's 26.
Oklahoma City has minimal public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Oklahoma City has a Transit Score of 17, Jacksonville's score is 21. Oklahoma City's Bike Score is 40, Jacksonville's score is 41.
Here are neighborhoods in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma that are similar to Jacksonville, Florida neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
10-18 Neighborhood Watch is similar to Glynlea-Grove Park, Hidden Hills and Lake Forest in Jacksonville.
38th Street Preservation is similar to Fairfax, Murray Hill and Lakeshore in Jacksonville.
50 Penn West is similar to Normandy, Mixon Town and Edgewood in Jacksonville.
50th and Sooner is similar to Forest Trails, Northlake and Jacksonville Farms-Terrace in Jacksonville.
Airline is similar to 29th and Chase, Sweetwater and Moncrief Park in Jacksonville.
Airpark is similar to Lake Lucina, Arlington Manor and Mid-Westside in Jacksonville.
Akers Park is similar to Deercreek, Marietta and Biltmore in Jacksonville.
Apple Valley is similar to The Cape, Fort Caroline Shores and Settlers Landing in Jacksonville.
Avalon Woods is similar to Gilmore, Dinsmore and Holiday Harbors in Jacksonville.
Bartlett is similar to Otis, Northlake and Forest Trails in Jacksonville.
Belle Isle View is similar to Lakeshore, Arlington and Fairfax in Jacksonville.
Big Cedar is similar to Sherwood Forest, Ortega Forest and Osceola Forest in Jacksonville.
Blue Quail is similar to Jacksonville Farms-Terrace, Northlake and Little Marsh Hill in Jacksonville.
Blue Quail Ridge is similar to Sherwood Forest, Ortega Forest and Osceola Forest in Jacksonville.