This page shows which neighborhoods in Oklahoma City are similar to neighborhoods in Nashville.
Rents in Oklahoma City average $1 and are about the same as rents in Nashville.
Oklahoma City's Walk Score is 34, 5 points higher than Nashville's 29.
Oklahoma City has minimal public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Oklahoma City has a Transit Score of 17, Nashville's score is 22. Oklahoma City's Bike Score is 40, Nashville's score is 30.
Here are neighborhoods in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma that are similar to Nashville, Tennessee neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
10-18 Neighborhood Watch is similar to Charlotte Park, River Plantation and Whispering Hills in Nashville.
38th Street Preservation is similar to Edgehill, Radnor and Historic Waverly in Nashville.
50 Penn West is similar to Perry Heights, South Nashville and Hickory Valley Condominiums in Nashville.
50th and Sooner is similar to Neighbors of Granny White, Cloverland Acres and East Glencliff in Nashville.
Airline is similar to Cherokee Hills Watch, Lennox Village and Valley Brook in Nashville.
Airpark is similar to Turtle Creek, Cahal Street Group and Sylvan Heights in Nashville.
Akers Park is similar to Granberry Heights, Woodridge and Cedar Crest in Nashville.
Apple Valley is similar to Belle Acres, Sheffield on The Harpeth and Mountainview in Nashville.
Aurora is similar to Cedarwood Condominiums, Sylvan Heights and Urbandale Nations in Nashville.
Avalon Woods is similar to Harpeth View, Lakeside Woods Estates and Sutherland Heights in Nashville.
Bartlett is similar to Ridgemont Estates, Hanover Park and East Glencliff in Nashville.
Belle Isle View is similar to Radnor, Woodland in Waverly and Historic Waverly in Nashville.
Big Cedar is similar to Woodland Hills, Percy Priest Meadows and Timberwood in Nashville.
Blue Quail is similar to Willowen Drive, Cloverland Acres and Parkway in Nashville.
Blue Quail Ridge is similar to Percy Priest Meadows, Woodland Hills and Timberwood in Nashville.