This page shows which neighborhoods in Omaha are similar to neighborhoods in Atlanta.
Rents in Omaha average $1 and are about the same as rents in Atlanta.
Omaha's Walk Score is 48, the same as Atlanta's Walk Score.
Omaha has minimal public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Omaha has a Transit Score of 24, Atlanta's score is 44. Omaha's Bike Score is 42, Atlanta's score is 42.
Here are neighborhoods in Omaha, Nebraska that are similar to Atlanta, Georgia neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Adams Park is similar to Adams Park, English Park and Bankhead - Bolton in Atlanta.
Aksarben - Elmwood Park is similar to Piedmont Heights, Peachtree Heights West and Colonial in Atlanta.
Applewood Heights is similar to Cross Creek in Atlanta.
Less Similar
More Similar
Armbrust Acres is similar to Peachtree Battle, Wildwood and Brookhaven in Atlanta.
Beals is similar to Springlake, Collier Hills and Peachtree Battle in Atlanta.
Bedford Place is similar to Kirkwood, Collier Hills and Lake Claire in Atlanta.
Bemis Park is similar to Westview, The Villages at Carver and Springlake in Atlanta.
Benson is similar to Ormewood Park, Peachtree Heights East and Campbellton Road in Atlanta.
Benson Gardens is similar to Peoplestown, East Chastain Park and English Avenue in Atlanta.
Bent Creek is similar to Brookhaven, Westminster - Milmar and Chosewood Park in Atlanta.
Binney Wirt Spencer is similar to Springlake, Westview and The Villages at Carver in Atlanta.
Blackstone is similar to Buckhead Forest, Atlantic Station and Georgia Tech in Atlanta.
Broadmoor Heights - Golden Valley is similar to East Chastain Park, South Atlanta and Woodland Hills in Atlanta.
Brook Hollow is similar to Arlington Estates, Almond Park and Ridgewood Heights in Atlanta.
Brown Park is similar to Springlake, The Villages at Carver and Westview in Atlanta.