This page shows which neighborhoods in Omaha are similar to neighborhoods in Mesa.
Rents in Omaha average $1 and are about the same as rents in Mesa.
Omaha's Walk Score is 48, 10 points higher than Mesa's 38.
Omaha has minimal public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Omaha has a Transit Score of 24, Mesa's score is 27. Omaha's Bike Score is 42, Mesa's score is 60.
Here are neighborhoods in Omaha, Nebraska that are similar to Mesa, Arizona neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Adams Park is similar to Pampa Pals and Park Center Place in Mesa.
Aksarben - Elmwood Park is similar to Ranch West, Hunt Circle and Heritage Park in Mesa.
Applewood Heights is similar to Augusta Ranch, Parkwood Ranch and Boulder Creek in Mesa.
Armbrust Acres is similar to Princess Park, Augusta Ranch and Apache Wells in Mesa.
Beals is similar to Park Center Place, Royal Palms and Hunters Glen in Mesa.
Bedford Place is similar to Park Center Place, Speedway and Harrison Acres in Mesa.
Bemis Park is similar to Fuller Ranch, Concho-Robin and Boys and Girls in the Hood in Mesa.
Benson is similar to Marlborough Mesa, Poinsettia and Dobson Woods in Mesa.
Benson Gardens is similar to Ranch West, Hunt Circle and Heritage Park in Mesa.
Bent Creek is similar to Northgrove, Mira Mesa and Carriage Lane in Mesa.
Binney Wirt Spencer is similar to Concho-Robin, Fuller Ranch and Northpointe in Mesa.
Blackstone is similar to Escobedo Historic District, Roosevelt and Nuestro in Mesa.
Broadmoor Heights - Golden Valley is similar to Stonecrest, Mira Mesa and Northpointe Commons in Mesa.
Brook Hollow is similar to Sundance, Pioneer Estates and Brookfield East in Mesa.
Brown Park is similar to Royal Palms, Northpointe and Princess Park in Mesa.