This page shows which neighborhoods in Omaha are similar to other neighborhoods in Omaha.
Omaha's Walk Score is 48.
Omaha has minimal public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Omaha has a Transit Score of 24. Omaha's Bike Score is 42.
Here are neighborhoods in Omaha, Nebraska and other neighborhoods that are similar to them.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Adams Park is similar to Omaha View in Omaha.
Less Similar
More Similar
Aksarben - Elmwood Park is similar to West Dodge, Elmwood Park and Pacific - Leavenworth in Omaha.
Applewood Heights is similar to Willow Wood, Cherry Hills and Roanoke in Omaha.
Armbrust Acres is similar to Leawood West, Candlewood and Mission Hills in Omaha.
Beals is similar to Brown Park, Saratoga and North Omaha in Omaha.
Bedford Place is similar to Beals, Northwest Community Club and Omaha View in Omaha.
Bemis Park is similar to Binney Wirt Spencer, Clairmont Heights and Waverly Park in Omaha.
Benson is similar to Clifton Hills, Indian Hills South and E. R. Danner in Omaha.
Benson Gardens is similar to Westgate, Miller Park - Minne-Lusa and West Dodge in Omaha.
Bent Creek is similar to Greenfields, Seville and Greentree - Iron Ridge - Tranquility View in Omaha.
Binney Wirt Spencer is similar to Bemis Park, Waverly Park and Clairmont Heights in Omaha.
Blackstone is similar to Park East, Pacific - Leavenworth and Market West in Omaha.
Broadmoor Heights - Golden Valley is similar to Loveland, Westside and Regency Homes in Omaha.
Brook Hollow is similar to Saddle Hills, Wakonda and Bay Shores in Omaha.
Brown Park is similar to Robin Hill, Waverly Park and Beals in Omaha.