This page shows which neighborhoods in Philadelphia are similar to neighborhoods in Phoenix.
Rents in Philadelphia average $1 and are about the same as rents in Phoenix.
Philadelphia's Walk Score is 75, 34 points higher than Phoenix's 41.
Philadelphia has good public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Philadelphia has a Transit Score of 67, Phoenix's score is 36. Philadelphia's Bike Score is 67, Phoenix's score is 56.
Here are neighborhoods in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania that are similar to Phoenix, Arizona neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Allegheny West is similar to Ashland, Phoenix College and Windsor Square in Phoenix.
Belmont is similar to Pierson Place, North Central Heights and Grandview in Phoenix.
Bridesburg is similar to Phoenix College, Grandview and North Central Heights in Phoenix.
Bustleton is similar to Nuestro Barrio, Cimarron Ridge and Phoenix Country Club in Phoenix.
Carroll Park is similar to Pierson Place, Garfield and North Central Heights in Phoenix.
Cedar Park is similar to Pierson Place in Phoenix.
Less Similar
More Similar
Cedarbrook - Stenton is similar to North Central Heights, Palmcroft and Pierson Place in Phoenix.
Chestnut Hill is similar to Phoenix College, Phoenix Country Club and Grandview in Phoenix.
Cobbs Creek is similar to Pierson Place, Ashland and Phillipine in Phoenix.
Dunlap is similar to Pierson Place, Ashland and Windsor Square in Phoenix.
East Falls is similar to Phoenix College, Ashland and Phoenix Country Club in Phoenix.
East Germantown is similar to Pierson Place, Ashland and North Central Heights in Phoenix.
East Mount Airy is similar to North Central Heights, Grandview and Story in Phoenix.
East Parkside is similar to Palmcroft, Story and Osborn Parkway in Phoenix.
Eastwick - Southwest Philadelphia is similar to Phoenix College, Phoenix Country Club and Ashland in Phoenix.