This page shows which neighborhoods in Philadelphia are similar to neighborhoods in Seattle.
Rents in Philadelphia average $1 and are about the same as rents in Seattle.
Philadelphia's Walk Score is 75, 1 points higher than Seattle's 74.
Philadelphia has good public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Philadelphia has a Transit Score of 67, Seattle's score is 60. Philadelphia's Bike Score is 67, Seattle's score is 71.
Here are neighborhoods in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania that are similar to Seattle, Washington neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Allegheny West is similar to North College Park, Columbia City and Maple Leaf in Seattle.
Bella Vista - Southwark is similar to Capitol Hill, Central District and Atlantic in Seattle.
Belmont is similar to Mount Baker, Green Lake and Bryant in Seattle.
Bridesburg is similar to North Delridge, Madison Park and Denny Blaine in Seattle.
Bustleton is similar to North Delridge, Meadowbrook and Haller Lake in Seattle.
Carroll Park is similar to Portage Bay, Mount Baker and Dunlap in Seattle.
Cedar Park is similar to Green Lake, East Queen Anne and Roosevelt in Seattle.
Cedarbrook - Stenton is similar to Dunlap, Leschi and Madrona in Seattle.
Center City East is similar to Downtown, Pioneer Square and Belltown in Seattle.
Center City West is similar to Downtown and Pioneer Square in Seattle.
Chestnut Hill is similar to North Delridge, Interbay and South Park in Seattle.
Cobbs Creek is similar to East Queen Anne, North College Park and Ravenna in Seattle.
Dunlap is similar to Roosevelt, Columbia City and Green Lake in Seattle.
East Falls is similar to North Delridge, Haller Lake and Victory Heights in Seattle.
East Germantown is similar to Mount Baker, Victory Heights and Roosevelt in Seattle.