This page shows which neighborhoods in Philadelphia are similar to neighborhoods in Wichita.
Rents in Philadelphia average $1 and are about the same as rents in Wichita.
Philadelphia's Walk Score is 75, 40 points higher than Wichita's 35.
Philadelphia has good public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Philadelphia has a Transit Score of 67, Wichita's score is 20. Philadelphia's Bike Score is 67, Wichita's score is 44.
Here are neighborhoods in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania that are similar to Wichita, Kansas neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Bustleton is similar to Delano, Grandview Heights and MacDonald in Wichita.
Cedarbrook - Stenton is similar to East Front, New Salem and Uptown in Wichita.
East Mount Airy is similar to New Salem and East Front in Wichita.
East Parkside is similar to Rolling Hills and Whispering Brook in Wichita.
Fox Chase - Burholme is similar to Delano, Grandview Heights and The Elm in Wichita.
Germantown is similar to The Elm in Wichita.
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Holmesburg is similar to The Elm, Grandview Heights and Delano in Wichita.
Juniata Park - Feltonville is similar to The Elm in Wichita.
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Northeast Philadelphia is similar to Grandview Heights, MacDonald and McAdams in Wichita.
Oak Lane - East Oak Lane is similar to New Salem in Wichita.
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Oxford Circle - Castor is similar to Uptown in Wichita.
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Rhawnhurst is similar to The Elm, Old Town and Grandview Heights in Wichita.
Roxborough is similar to McAdams, Whispering Brook and Cambridge in Wichita.