This page shows which neighborhoods in Phoenix are similar to neighborhoods in Houston.
Rents in Phoenix average $1 and are about the same as rents in Houston.
Phoenix's Walk Score is 41, 6 points lower than Houston's 47.
Phoenix has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Phoenix has a Transit Score of 36, Houston's score is 36. Phoenix's Bike Score is 56, Houston's score is 49.
Here are neighborhoods in Phoenix, Arizona that are similar to Houston, Texas neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
A-M Ranch is similar to South Acres - Crestmont Park, Fondren Gardens and East Houston in Houston.
Adobe Highlands is similar to South Acres - Crestmont Park, Central Southwest and Fondren Gardens in Houston.
Alta Vista is similar to South Park, Spring Shadows and Park Place in Houston.
Amber Hills is similar to South Acres - Crestmont Park, Fondren Gardens and Acres Home in Houston.
Arabian Views is similar to Fort Bend Houston, South Acres - Crestmont Park and Central Southwest in Houston.
Ashler Hills Ranch is similar to Hunterwood and Lake Houston in Houston.
Bel Air is similar to Sunnyside, Park Place and Hidden Valley in Houston.
Bellair is similar to Hidden Valley, Sunnyside and Fort Bend Houston in Houston.
Biltmore Highlands is similar to Settagast in Houston.
Less Similar
More Similar
Black Canyon Heights is similar to Briarforest, Independence Heights and Oak Forest - Garden Oaks in Houston.
Braewood Park is similar to Alief, Briarforest and Langwood in Houston.
Brandywine is similar to South Acres - Crestmont Park, Hidden Valley and Sunnyside in Houston.
Cactus Gardens is similar to Eldridge - West Oaks, Northshore and Kashmere Gardens in Houston.
Camelback Gardens is similar to Magnolia Park, MacGregor and OST - South Union in Houston.
Camelback Ranch is similar to South Acres - Crestmont Park and Fort Bend Houston in Houston.