This page shows which neighborhoods in Phoenix are similar to neighborhoods in Kansas City.
Rents in Phoenix average $1 and are about the same as rents in Kansas City.
Phoenix's Walk Score is 41, 6 points higher than Kansas City's 35.
Phoenix has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Phoenix has a Transit Score of 36, Kansas City's score is 25. Phoenix's Bike Score is 56, Kansas City's score is 35.
Here are neighborhoods in Phoenix, Arizona that are similar to Kansas City, Missouri neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
A-M Ranch is similar to Oldham Farms, Park Plaza and Hickman Mills South in Kansas City.
Adobe Highlands is similar to Ward Estates, Oldham Farms and Foxcroft and Glen Arbor in Kansas City.
Adobe Hills is similar to Timber Valley, Fairway Hills and Winnwood Gardens in Kansas City.
Alta Vista is similar to Oak Park Southeast, Blue Hills and Squier Park in Kansas City.
Amber Hills is similar to South Blue Valley, Oldham Farms and Hickman Mills South in Kansas City.
Arabian Views is similar to Meadowbrook Heights, Colonial Square and Vineyard in Kansas City.
Arizona Homes is similar to Oak Park Southwest, Ivanhoe Southeast and Timber Valley in Kansas City.
Ashler Hills Ranch is similar to Unity Ridge, Highview Estates and Little Blue Valley in Kansas City.
Bel Air is similar to Rockhill, Forgotten Homes and Neighborhood United For Action in Kansas City.
Bellair is similar to Vineyard Northwest, Sheraton Estates and Big Shoal in Kansas City.
Biltmore Highlands is similar to Park Farms, Unity Ridge and Barry Harbour in Kansas City.
Black Canyon Heights is similar to Coleman Highlands, Sterling Acres and Lea Manor in Kansas City.
Braewood Park is similar to Country Lane Estates, Lea Manor and Red Ridge South in Kansas City.
Brandywine is similar to South Blue Valley, Vineyard Northwest and Ivanhoe Northeast in Kansas City.
Cactus Gardens is similar to Sunset Hill, River View and Sterling Acres in Kansas City.