This page shows which neighborhoods in Phoenix are similar to neighborhoods in Mesa.
Rents in Phoenix average $1 and are about the same as rents in Mesa.
Phoenix's Walk Score is 41, 3 points higher than Mesa's 38.
Phoenix has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Phoenix has a Transit Score of 36, Mesa's score is 27. Phoenix's Bike Score is 56, Mesa's score is 60.
Here are neighborhoods in Phoenix, Arizona that are similar to Mesa, Arizona neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
A-M Ranch is similar to Groves East, La Mariposa Villas and Lindsay Park Estates in Mesa.
Adobe Highlands is similar to Sunland Village East, Greenfield Glen and La Mariposa Villas in Mesa.
Adobe Hills is similar to Santa Rita Ranch, Desert Harmony and Rancho de Arboleda East in Mesa.
Alta Vista is similar to Rotary Park, Poinsettia and Casa Mesa in Mesa.
Amber Hills is similar to Desert Sands East, La Mariposa Villas and New Hope Park Place in Mesa.
Arabian Views is similar to Villages of Eastridge, Parkwood Ranch and Windsor Shadows in Mesa.
Arizona Homes is similar to Mesa Valley View, Santa Rita Ranch and Bridgewood Townhomes in Mesa.
Ashler Hills Ranch is similar to Sunland Springs Village, Boulder Mountain Highlands and Village at Hawes in Mesa.
Bel Air is similar to La Cruz, Harrison Acres and Evergreen Historic District in Mesa.
Bellair is similar to Princess Park, Royal Palms and Augusta Ranch in Mesa.
Biltmore Highlands is similar to Boulder Mountain Highlands, Sunland Springs Village and Sunland Village East in Mesa.
Black Canyon Heights is similar to San Michelle, Superstition Springs and Heritage Park in Mesa.
Braewood Park is similar to Eastwood Park, San Michelle and NCRA in Mesa.
Brandywine is similar to Fuller Ranch, Park Center Place and Princess Park in Mesa.
Cactus Gardens is similar to Stonecrest, Mira Mesa and Mesa Grande in Mesa.