This page shows which neighborhoods in Phoenix are similar to neighborhoods in Omaha.
Rents in Phoenix average $1 and are about the same as rents in Omaha.
Phoenix's Walk Score is 41, 7 points lower than Omaha's 48.
Phoenix has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Phoenix has a Transit Score of 36, Omaha's score is 24. Phoenix's Bike Score is 56, Omaha's score is 42.
Here are neighborhoods in Phoenix, Arizona that are similar to Omaha, Nebraska neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
A-M Ranch is similar to Hartman Avenue, Social Settlement and Northwest Community Council in Omaha.
Adobe Highlands is similar to Wakonda, Hartman Avenue and Northwest Community Council in Omaha.
Adobe Hills is similar to Lake Shore, Bryn Mawr and Pacific Heights in Omaha.
Alta Vista is similar to Indian Hills South, Clifton Hills and Benson in Omaha.
Amber Hills is similar to West Fairacres, Erskine Park and Social Settlement in Omaha.
Arabian Views is similar to Highland South, Fort Redman and Karen Western in Omaha.
Arizona Homes is similar to Fontenelle View, Central Park and Lake Shore in Omaha.
Ashler Hills Ranch is similar to Bay Shores, Millard Heights and Sunridge in Omaha.
Bel Air is similar to Monmouth Park, Conestoga Community and CPL in Omaha.
Bellair is similar to Orchard Hill, Triple One and Oak Brook in Omaha.
Biltmore Highlands is similar to Raven Oaks, Millard Heights and Hartman Avenue in Omaha.
Black Canyon Heights is similar to Maple Village, Miller Park - Minne-Lusa and Florence Boulevard in Omaha.
Braewood Park is similar to Maple Village, Southside Terrace and Miller Park - Minne-Lusa in Omaha.
Brandywine is similar to Saratoga, John Creighton and North Omaha in Omaha.
Cactus Gardens is similar to Florence Boulevard, Loveland and Keystone in Omaha.