This page shows which neighborhoods in Phoenix are similar to neighborhoods in San Antonio.
Rents in Phoenix average $1 and are about the same as rents in San Antonio.
Phoenix's Walk Score is 41, 4 points higher than San Antonio's 37.
Phoenix has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Phoenix has a Transit Score of 36, San Antonio's score is 31. Phoenix's Bike Score is 56, San Antonio's score is 45.
Here are neighborhoods in Phoenix, Arizona that are similar to San Antonio, Texas neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
A-M Ranch is similar to Southeast Side, Gillette and Bel Meade in San Antonio.
Adobe Highlands is similar to Eden Roc, Woodglen and Hidden Cove - Indian Creek in San Antonio.
Adobe Hills is similar to Eden Roc, Lakeside and Oxbow in San Antonio.
Alta Vista is similar to Greater Gardendale, Highland Park and Westlawn in San Antonio.
Amber Hills is similar to Southeast Side, South Southwest and Whispering Oaks in San Antonio.
Arabian Views is similar to Longs Creek, Hill Country and Oak Meadow in San Antonio.
Arizona Homes is similar to Denver Heights, Sunny Slope and Harvard Place - Eastlawn in San Antonio.
Ashler Hills Ranch is similar to Emerald Forest, Redland Woods and Bluffview at Camino Real in San Antonio.
Bel Air is similar to Nevada Street, Jefferson and Woodlawn Lake in San Antonio.
Bellair is similar to Englewood, Coliseum Willow Park and Donaldson Terrace in San Antonio.
Biltmore Highlands is similar to Emerald Forest, Bluffview at Camino Real and Hidden Cove - Indian Creek in San Antonio.
Black Canyon Heights is similar to Vance Jackson, Greater Harmony Hils and Park Village in San Antonio.
Braewood Park is similar to Sunshine Estates, Greater Harmony Hils and Highland Hills in San Antonio.
Brandywine is similar to Dreamland Oaks, Thelka and Whispering Oaks in San Antonio.
Cactus Gardens is similar to Serna Station, El Chaparral Fertile Valley and Camelot in San Antonio.