This page shows which neighborhoods in Raleigh are similar to neighborhoods in Jacksonville.
Rents in Raleigh average $1 and are about the same as rents in Jacksonville.
Raleigh's Walk Score is 31, 5 points higher than Jacksonville's 26.
Raleigh has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Raleigh has a Transit Score of 29, Jacksonville's score is 21. Raleigh's Bike Score is 39, Jacksonville's score is 41.
Here are neighborhoods in Raleigh, North Carolina that are similar to Jacksonville, Florida neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Bedford at Falls River is similar to Duval, San Mateo and Chimney Lakes in Jacksonville.
Brier Creek Country Club is similar to Beauclerc, Monclair and Venetia in Jacksonville.
Brookhaven is similar to Garden City, Edgewood Manor and Jamestown in Jacksonville.
College Park is similar to Hogan, New Town and Beachwood in Jacksonville.
Hedingham is similar to Jacksonville Heights South, Beacon Hills and Harbour and Crystal Springs in Jacksonville.
King Charles is similar to Love Grove-Riviera Manor, Brackridge and Panama Park in Jacksonville.
North Hills is similar to Brackridge, Fairfield and Panama Park in Jacksonville.
North Ridge is similar to Biltmore, Hollyford and Duclay Forest in Jacksonville.
Stonehenge East is similar to Panama Park, Beachwood and Hogan in Jacksonville.
Sunset Hills is similar to Garden City, Harborview and Edgewood Manor in Jacksonville.