This page shows which neighborhoods in Raleigh are similar to neighborhoods in Memphis.
Rents in Raleigh average $1 and are about the same as rents in Memphis.
Raleigh's Walk Score is 31, 4 points lower than Memphis's 35.
Raleigh has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Raleigh has a Transit Score of 29, Memphis's score is 22. Raleigh's Bike Score is 39, Memphis's score is 41.
Here are neighborhoods in Raleigh, North Carolina that are similar to Memphis, Tennessee neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Bedford at Falls River is similar to Countrywood, Roseleigh and Springhill Community Civic Club in Memphis.
Brier Creek Country Club is similar to Whispering Meadows, Westwood Meadows and Burlington in Memphis.
Brookhaven is similar to 1700 Eldridge Street and Marble Avenue Block, Hawkins Mill Residents Associtaion and East Dison Street Block Club in Memphis.
Less Similar
More Similar
College Park is similar to Snowden - Claybrook Block Club, Hunters Hollow South and East Parkway in Memphis.
Hedingham is similar to Poplar Ridge Farms, Gardenview and Scenic Hills in Memphis.
King Charles is similar to Auburn Ridge, Cherokee Civic Club and Westwood Meadows in Memphis.
North Hills is similar to Westwood Meadows, Auburn Ridge and Audubon Park in Memphis.
North Ridge is similar to Sixty Point One Ward Civic Club, Auburn Ridge and Audubon Park in Memphis.
Oakwood is similar to Hunters Hollow South, Hunters Hollow and Annesdale Park in Memphis.
Stonehenge East is similar to Fenwick Road, Chicasaw Gardens and Chapel Creek in Memphis.
Sunset Hills is similar to Alcy-Ball, East Dison Street Block Club and Quinn Street Block Club in Memphis.